Why is it important to hire a “qualified appraiser” ?

A qualified appraiser has formal education in appraisal theory, principles, procedures, ethics and law. There are many self-acclaimed personal property appraisers who have not completed any professional education. There is no licensure for personal property appraisers, therefore an accredited membership in one of the qualifying organizations (ISA, AAA and ASA) is an indication of a commitment to an agreed standard of professionalism and oversight, which an informed consumer should demand and confirm. There is a wealth of information available to the general public, especially on the internet, however only a trained appraiser provide an expert detailed appraisal report with supporting data.

What are your fees?

Fees are based on a standard hourly rate. There is a three-hour minimum for researched and  written appraisal assignments.

Roundtrip travel from our office to locations outside of the City of Jacksonville is billed at 50% of the hourly rate.

There is a  surcharge for all jobs that require delivery of a report within 3-days or less.

Can you authenticate my painting?

Appraisers are experts in valuation, not authentication. The process of authenticating art is a complex, highly specialized discipline. Scholars and experts devote their entire careers to studying a single artist’s career and artistic achievements. That being said through research and experience, a knowledgeable appraiser can identify and research markings and signatures on a work of art and most likely tell if the work is not right and why. They most likely can tell you if your work is not right and the reasons why. They cannot, however, confirm that an unsigned, unmarked work is by the hand of a particular artist. Attestation—the affirmation of what is correct, true, or genuine—can only be done by the recognized expert for a particular artist.

That said, an experienced appraiser can advise you as to whether or not it might be worth getting your work attested. They can guide you through the authentication process by advising as to whom the relevant experts are, what steps are required, and the fees involved.

Does one value cover all reasons for an appraisal?

 Any antique, collectible or fine art will have different appraised values, the three most relevant being insurance value, fair market value and marketable cash value. The designated value is  determined by the intended use of the appraisal. Qualified appraisers understand the many different types of values, assigned uses, and market levels.